Life’s Curve Balls

Why does life have to throw us a curve ball for us to realize what’s important, and to create perspective? We are often consumed by the wrong things – jobs, money, deadlines, and quotas.

Then BAM — just like that, our world turns and everything changes in a heartbeat. A young woman losing her father in a tragic accident. A young family, with a baby, rear ended at a stop light. Medical news that highlights the fragility of life. These things just don’t happen to “other” people. They happen within our circle of influence.

Why does it take tragedy to make us look at life in a new light? We just never know when a curve ball is coming our way. We spend too much time preoccupied by the wrong things, and then life comes calling. We must learn to focus on what’s important. And keep it real.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on