I am attending a week-long workshop on leadership, hosted by The Society of International Business Fellows (SIBF). My takeaway from the morning session? Listen Generously.
We are easily distracted. We operate as ‘stingy’ listeners, distracted by email, environmental noise, and the proverbial smartphone. Our body language reflecting our disinterest in what the other person has to say. Guilty as charged!
The goal is to block out the noise, and engage in active, generous listening. Actually paying attention to the person and the message. Engaging in the dialog, respecting and appreciating the other persons point of view. Not necessarily agreeing with it, but listening effectively.
It’s an incredible communication skill that I must work to develop. It’s difficult to be an effective leader when one is not a generous listener. I am not going to get this right the first time, or every time. I certainly plan to take steps in the right direction. I challenge you to do the same!