“They speak a different language, Dad,” was my son Rohan’s take on his Organic Chemistry class in college. He was noticeably concerned about the difficult subject matter, because he had not missed a single class, and spent numerous hours in the library. “It’s OK to take a U turn if it’s not your thing,” was sage advise from his mom.
Fast forward to today — “I killed my first exam in my Chemistry class, Dad,” he said with excitement, clearly “pumped” and “stoked” about his performance. I smiled to myself, knowing that all those hours in the library had paid off. Secretly he knew that too.
Amazing what happens when one puts in the effort. There is a lesson in here for all of us. People may be smarter than us. Let’s just make certain that they don’t out-work us.
Success is driven by 95 percent perspiration, and 5 percent inspiration.