Outside My Comfort Zone

Why is it we learn to appreciate the people in our lives, just a tad more, when they leave town?

As Rohini visits her aging parent in India, I tend to house and home. It seems like everything is a crisis. I worry about the house, the dogs, the business, and just about everything else. My fridge is empty; the life void is real.

When she is here, I run around, worry about nothing, and living my life because I know she’s “got this”. I let her do the worrying.

Can’t wait for her to get back, so I can bask in the warmth of my comfort zone. Note to self — consciously, consistently, recognize her contributions when she allows me to live my life. I miss her, in more ways than one!

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on 5oclockreflections.com.


  1. Barbara LeFevre says

    And Rohini is worried about you, and her parents, and the dog, and the house, and you….🙃