Welcome to 5 O’Clock Reflections, a daily blog by Hemant Rustogi as he explores lessons learned in life, business, and his quest for wisdom. Each month Hemant invites a person who intrigues him, to join him for a 5 pm interview to share their insights over their favorite cocktail. You can learn more here.
Words of Wisdom
Your profession is not what brings home your weekly paycheck, your profession is what you're put here on earth to do, with such passion and such intensity that it becomes spiritual in calling.Vincent Van Gogh … [Continue reading]
Follow Your Bliss
What excites you? What makes the wheels spin and lights a fire in your soul? Find your passion, and then follow your bliss. This is what makes life meaningful. This is what makes life worth living. Have you found your passion? Do you follow … [Continue reading]
How on earth does Hemant Rustogi turn into RUSTAFE HEMANK, or Rohini turn into ROHCHINO?Certainly amusing. Certainly sad. We can’t provide good customer service, when we can’t even spell the names of our guests correctly. I think we all should … [Continue reading]
Old Buds
Old friends, are just comfortable. They allow us to build memories. As my friend Jerry messaged me yesterday, “Memories that transition the pain and pleasure that life gives to us to make it balanced.” I don’t have to name these close buds. They … [Continue reading]