Welcome to 5 O’Clock Reflections, a daily blog by Hemant Rustogi as he explores lessons learned in life, business, and his quest for wisdom. Each month Hemant invites a person who intrigues him, to join him for a 5 pm interview to share their insights over their favorite cocktail. You can learn more here.
Dear Cuban People

Dear Cuban People: This is the Cuban Government. Please be advised that everything in this country belongs to us. We will provide you with free education, free medical care and a ration of age appropriate food to allow you to survive. In addition, … [Continue reading]
A Different World

Ninety miles from the prosperous shores of America, a world apart, lies the beautiful Island of Cuba. Most of us are intrigued by this Caribbean jewel, because we know so little about it. As we flew in over Havana, we saw vast fields, rugged terrain … [Continue reading]
Lessons from Havana

Few places change the way you look at the world, and at how you live your life. Cuba was one of those places. Havana was a great reminder that when you think you have seen it all, thought it all, experienced it all — life opens up a new way to look … [Continue reading]
Lessons from Havana

When a generation of citizens are isolated because of a closed society, their concept of reality is shaped through propaganda. When a country is governed by the government, for the government, the people suffer. The irony? In most … [Continue reading]