Welcome to 5 O’Clock Reflections, a daily blog by Hemant Rustogi as he explores lessons learned in life, business, and his quest for wisdom. Each month Hemant invites a person who intrigues him, to join him for a 5 pm interview to share their insights over their favorite cocktail. You can learn more here.

Stubbornly persist, and you will find that the limits of your stubbornness go well beyond the stubbornness of your limits. — Robert Brault … [Continue reading]
Water and The Duck

I know a few senior executives and administrators that never make any decisions. They are, at best, competent at assigning work to others and never take responsibility for anything gone awry. It is tough to be wrong when you don't do anything. The … [Continue reading]
First Impressions

I am a firm believer in second chances. My life would have gone in a different direction if the powers that be, did not afford me that crucial opportunity — twice. That being said, one seldom gets a second chance to make a first impression. A … [Continue reading]
Look Ahead

I have a tendency to look back as a way of learning from my mistakes — and there are plenty of them. Introspection is necessary and can serve as a great teacher. However, dwelling in the past seldom does anyone any good. Focus on the promise of … [Continue reading]