Welcome to 5 O’Clock Reflections, a daily blog by Hemant Rustogi as he explores lessons learned in life, business, and his quest for wisdom. Each month Hemant invites a person who intrigues him, to join him for a 5 pm interview to share their insights over their favorite cocktail. You can learn more here.
The People Business

I love Simon Sinek’s contention, that if you don’t understand people, you don’t understand business. Bull’s-eye. Such a simple concept, yet most companies don’t get it. Rather than nurture people, they tend to sacrifice them at the alter of … [Continue reading]
Dig Deeper

It's that time of year when students get buried in papers, projects, and exams. Over the years — as a student and a professor — I have learned that the line between success and failure is mighty fine. IQ takes a back seat to effort. Those that dig … [Continue reading]
A Black Weekend

I saw a disturbing video of people jostling, and fighting over a stack of TV's in the center isle of a big box store. As a marketing professional, I appreciate a consumer's desire to get a 'good deal.' However, on a human level, I find the behavior … [Continue reading]
Words of Wisdom

As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them. — John Fitzgerald Kennedy … [Continue reading]