Welcome to 5 O’Clock Reflections, a daily blog by Hemant Rustogi as he explores lessons learned in life, business, and his quest for wisdom. Each month Hemant invites a person who intrigues him, to join him for a 5 pm interview to share their insights over their favorite cocktail. You can learn more here.
The Intersection of Marketing and Technology

Ms. Susan Gear, Senior VP from Catalina Marketing, recently spoke to my undergraduate marketing research class. She spoke eloquently about the confluence of marketing and technology. In the days gone by, a consumer would walk to the neighborhood … [Continue reading]
A Script Gone Wrong

I headed to my favorite upscale bar in my neighborhood and found a cozy table by the window. In comes a new, aggressive, waitress: “Hi, You ever been here before?” I assured her, politely, that she was the new kid on the block and that she was the … [Continue reading]
Learning from our Children

Sometimes 4-year-olds don't get the credit they deserve! It is heart warming when they learn, at a young age, that helping a child who has cancer is more important than toys and the money in their piggy bank. "It is amazing what these children are … [Continue reading]

I recently received an email from my credit union accepting complete responsibility for a mass email that was erroneously distributed and attributed to human error. They reassured me that the message did not compromise my financial information. What … [Continue reading]