Say NO to Naysayers


Every organization has its fair share of naysayers. The party line is to tell you why it can’t be done; why there are no resources; and why change could be costly. “It’s just not possible,” is the official stance.

Even in those rare instances when they think it may be possible, the bureaucratic red tape creates a negative energy that saps initiative and kills every iota of entrepreneurial promise.

I have a suggestion. Let’s collect all these people, put them on the same boat and send them off to on a one-way journey to never-never land.

For the rest of us, let’s work around the system. Let’s do meaningful work, and commit to being the oasis of creative thinking and enterprise in this quagmire of mediocrity.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on


  1. Major thanks for the blog post.Thanks Again. Much obliged.