Shutdown Doldrums

I don’t have a political stance on the shutdown of the federal government. All I can tell you is that if you ran your life or your business the way the government runs this country, trouble would be your middle name.

Your children would go hungry, you would be in vast amounts of debt, your people would have no work, and you would be lining up to file for bankruptcy. If any of these people in Washington worked for me, I would have fired them a long time ago.

Bewildered and frustrated. What is wrong with these people?

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on


  1. Angela Owens says

    Its nonsense! Why is shutting down the government even an option? Honestly I don’t understand it but I do understand that the people of our country deserve so much better but I’m afraid our government is lacking concern of whats best for the people!!

  2. Julie Bernard says

    I wholeheartedly agree. Part of the problem is that our government seems to represent “real life” (aka representative) less and less.

  3. Sandip Madan says

    We the American people / voters let ourselves off too easy on this one. The Congress collectively is our creation as voters and our failing to assign blame properly from a false sense of “balance” is our fault. Anyone sufficiently aware should realize House Republicans have caused it, and everyone (including intellectually honest Republicans) should be blaming them, not “Congress” which means both sides. So we SHOULD have a political stance here. If we’re too muddled to crack down on the offending party, the Republicans, (at least in the next elections) we’re part of the problem and deserve to pay the price.

    Oh, and just to be clear, if the Democrats ever try to hold the country hostage this way in the future (to their credit they haven’t so far) they should get the same treatment.