When We Lose, We Win

Amazing what happens when we learn to put our ego on hold. We lose arguments, potentially lose stature, and lose psychological wars. Yet, we win every time. We win peace. Happiness. A sense of calm in our souls. When we lose, we win. Works every … [Read more...]

Wine a Bit

There is nothing more special than sharing a few glasses of wine with a dear friend. The wine, the conversation, and the truth flow seamlessly. The guard is down. The laughter is contagious. The spirits are high. The stress is long gone. And the … [Read more...]

The Minimalist

I had a very profound conversation with my 21 year old son about material things. He is proud to declare that he is a minimalist and does not want to own more than 40 things in his dorm room at the university. His goal is to downsize from 80 to 40 … [Read more...]


I occasionally come across students who have a brilliant blend of intellect, emotional intelligence and heart. When it comes together, it's like magic. Meet Ronice Barlow, 2017 Executive MBA student of the year at The University of Tampa (UT). … [Read more...]