Equitable Pay

There are some in academe who believe that all professors should be paid the same, irrespective of their field of specialization. A little bit like yours truly wanting to be paid as much as as a brain surgeon because we are both "Doctors". By title? … [Read more...]

Gaining Respect. Counterpoint.

A member of the UT family messaged me privately defending Amazon, because, through her husband, she is also part of the Amazon family. She was emphatic about how well they take care of their people, and how considerate they are of their Amazon family … [Read more...]

Losing Respect

What a let down when the world's first self proclaimed "customer-centric" company, Amazon, let's down its own people. Overworked, under appreciated, employees fearing for their livelihood when cancer and ill health strike. It's the wrong message. … [Read more...]

When Words Ring Hollow

Effective leaders inspire through action, and not words. We should leave inspired rhetoric to the poets and the evangelists. The rest of us must lead by example. The old adage 'do as I do, not as I say' rings true. Time to roll up those sleeves … [Read more...]