I recently read that more battles are lost because of ego, than strategy, or tactical failure. Yes, EGO. Three letters that have the potential to ruin relationships, business decisions, and just about everything else. Watch Ric Elias, on his Ted … [Read more...]
Leaders and Teams
Back to "Extreme Ownership" by Willink and Babin. The authors contend that there are no bad teams, only bad leaders. Yes, and No, from my vantage point. There is an element of truth that it takes a great leader to bring out the best in their team. … [Read more...]
Institutional Capital
As I gave Christian (my graduate student) a tour of the Montessori schools, I stopped and introduced him to a number of the teachers. The common question - how long have you worked at the schools? I couldn't help but marvel that most of my team has … [Read more...]
What Goes Around….
Ironic that a lady who exploited my wife, in a professional setting 20 years ago, reached out to the school applying for a job. Yes it's true; what goes around, comes around. We treat our people with a tremendous amount of love and respect. We … [Read more...]