
The city of Boston has a youthful vibrancy that has defined Americana for centuries. As a critical center of the American Revolution, Boston has a rustic charm defined by its brick facade buildings. Don’t let the old architecture fool you. Today, … [Read more...]

A Key Difference

Treating everyone the same as equals does not create equity. Note the meaning of those two words in the English Dictionary. Equal — adjective: like or alike in quantity, degree, value, etc.; of the same rank, ability, merit. Equity — … [Read more...]

The Economics of Stupidity

There is an economic cost to stupid rhetoric. Stock prices can fall, people can lose their jobs, and the public relations nightmare can be difficult to contain. A university professor got fired yesterday for blaming the Houston floods (and suffering) … [Read more...]

Our World of Hate

I can't fathom our world of hate. Driven by color, perceived economic persecution, and historical benchmarks — and sometimes just because we can — we hate with greater fervor than with which we love. I don't understand any of it. It saddens me … [Read more...]