It should be the social and moral responsibility of every nation to take care of its poor. However, it is not the responsibility of society to do anything for the lazy, who choose to cream the system. I believe that the American Dream is alive and … [Read more...]
Integrating New Talent
Twenty new faculty members joined the College of Business faculty this week. Eager faces, with occasional looks of confusion and uncertainty, about what the next few years would bring. The orientation process has been detailed and … [Read more...]
Global Thinking
Maybe it is our isolated geographic location or our mind set, it is my sense that a large majority of Americans do not travel extensively, overseas. I envy the Europeans who can be in four different countries in a matter of a few hours. Global … [Read more...]
Love and Hate
As I celebrate love in Venice, the city of love, I am deeply saddened by the hate crime that left so many dead back home in Florida. The human spirit thrives in love. We seek it, cherish it, bask in its glow, and mourn when we are stripped of it … [Read more...]