
Ever seen a juggler practice their craft, without ever dropping the ball? Meet Regan Burke, Montessori Directress, Mommy to four beautiful children, Personal Trainer, Graduate Student — all at the same time. Not quite sure how she does … [Read more...]

True Joy

We strive for perfection from our children,  and very often lose sight of what’s important. There is more to life than grades, tests, and tutoring clubs that only focus on academic abilities.  Our focus should be on the simple joys of … [Read more...]

The Classroom

Funny how two graduate class sessions on the same day can be so different. One was a struggle, with disengaged students, who had low energy. Maybe I had something to do with that? Maybe I had a lot to do with that.  The other session was … [Read more...]


Ever noticed the sign above the door, or the name on a building you enter, as you go about your daily life? I think you know the answer. Our older brother recently shared an image of a marble plaque above the entrance to a girls’ school, in what … [Read more...]