That First Day

More than three decades in a classroom, yet there is something about that first day of the semester.  A twinge of nervous energy, a few butterflies in the gut, and measured excitement about what might lie in store.  Some of these … [Read more...]

Flower Power

A Montessori Mom, that works for Ace Warehouse, offered to donate 400 Amaryllis bulbs because of an unseasonable surplus. In steps Madam Gardner (Rohini), and her army of Montessori apprentices. The big boxes, loaded with bulbs were disassembled. … [Read more...]

The Pigeon Hole

A pigeon hole is a small, comfortable place for a pigeon to nest. The term is also used to define a category that is a stark departure from the actual complexities of our world. We pigeon hole our children, and try and fit them into neat little … [Read more...]

Sister Thappa

Today, I called to wish our former school nurse, who turned 85. The tears flowed easily, as we spoke about the good old days. I have not seen her in 40 years. Spoken to her just once in all those years. Yet the bond remains. My love for her, and hers … [Read more...]