Celebrating Mahatma Gandhi

Today over a billion people celebrate the birthday of Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi, the messiah of non-violent protest. Over the years, my respect and admiration for this man has continued to grow. He exhibited selfless sacrifice, peaceful protests, … [Read more...]

A Celebration of My Father

Today is a day to celebrate Dad. My Dad was always my hero. He taught me the importance of being a good husband and a good father. And he did this by his selfless example. His entire world revolved around his family. His passing was one of the … [Read more...]

Who Have You Inspired Today?

Today I had the distinct pleasure of having lunch with General Karl Horst, Chief of Staff at Central Command (CentCom) at MacDill Air Force Base. His firm handshake and piercing eyes were humbling. I knew I was meeting a true American Hero. His … [Read more...]