Ultimately, “every employee tends to rise to the level of his (her) incompetence.” That’s the Peter Principle, and in a way it is sad and frustrating. Thanks Judi, for that insight. As an educator, I can work with the weak students and those that … [Read more...]
This is a subject dear to my heart. I am always amazed as good people leave to pursue new personal and professional goals. We must let them go without malice, or anxiety or guilt. Good people come, and good people go. Great organizations survive … [Read more...]
Moving On….
The end of the academic year brings changes in personnel. Educators looking for new professional homes. Some driven by the need to explore new opportunities, others leaving town to start a family, while others moving to be close to Military spouses. … [Read more...]
Good Leadership
Good leadership is about making one’s self totally dispensable. Empower the troops and get out of the way. Good leaders create the right environment for their people — and their ideas — to thrive. At the end of the day, we are only as good as the … [Read more...]