While we don't like to look at ourselves as products, we are tasked with thinking, evaluating, and behaving in a competitive marketplace no differently than the products we buy. We have to differentiate ourselves, build our sustainable competitive … [Read more...]
When Life Throws Us a Curve Ball
The best laid plans.... We know how the story goes, but we are never quite prepared for what life throws at us, out of nowhere. We know that life is fragile and that life is unpredictable. We plan one thing, and midstream we have to throw those … [Read more...]
Anti-Social Media
The more connected we get, the less we connect at the human level. FaceTime is a poor substitute for face to face conversations. We post on Facebook and Tweet our thoughts, seeking approval from the multitude who 'friend us' or follow us. In … [Read more...]
Homeward Bound…
"To care for those who took care of us is the highest honor." Tia Walker aptly writes. Yes, life is about getting joy while caring for our beloved parents. It always helps when your spouse supports you and takes care of your parents as his very … [Read more...]