Say NO to Naysayers

Every organization has its fair share of naysayers. The party line is to tell you why it can't be done; why there are no resources; and why change could be costly. "It's just not possible," is the official stance. Even in those rare instances when … [Read more...]

Striking a Balance

The movie based on Steve Job's life touched a chord with me. He was a creative genius with a brilliant mind. However, his obsession with results made him a ruthless manager of people. A tough taskmaster, with a fanatical passion for changing the … [Read more...]

Over Promise, Over Deliver

I have always taught my students to under promise and over deliver. It's the surest way of ensuring the customer is happy and expectations are managed. One of my graduate students cited the Steve Jobs movie and challenged me — "We should over promise … [Read more...]

Black Friday = It’s a Jungle Out There

“Survival of the fittest,” is the law of the jungle. Welcome to a man made phenomenon that, to a large percentage of the population, means spending money they don't have, buying things they don't need, and battling crowds as if there was an eternal … [Read more...]