We teach our students strategy frameworks and buyer decision making as linear processes, fit for the perfect world. Well, we really don’t live in a perfect world, and linear thinking is myopic at best. We live in a chaotic world where a crazy man … [Read more...]
Life’s Major Mile Stones – Through the Eyes of a 16 Year Old
I recently bought my son a car. I was pleasantly surprised by how moved he was throughout the entire process. I think he grew up a lot that day and I sensed a deep appreciation and even disbelief — An appreciation for how blessed he is, and total … [Read more...]
Is Winning Everything?
Welcome to America's national obsession with winning. Yesterday was the homeowner of my football team that has made losing a habit. Yet, like thousands of others I hold out hope for an unexpected win. As fans, we roller coaster through with our … [Read more...]
Jim Bovinet
Last night I received news that my friend, Jim Bovinet, passed away. Jim and I were in the doctoral program together, and he welcomed me into his home and his family early in the program. Over a three year span, I spent many evenings hanging out with … [Read more...]