The Pigeon Hole

A pigeon hole is a small, comfortable place for a pigeon to nest. The term is also used to define a category that is a stark departure from the actual complexities of our world. We pigeon hole our children, and try and fit them into neat little … [Read more...]

One More Reason to Drink

Alcohol gives you infinite patience for stupidity. — Sammy Davis, Jr. … [Read more...]


This is a subject dear to my heart. I am always amazed as good people leave to pursue new personal and professional goals. We must let them go without malice, or anxiety or guilt. Good people come, and good people go. Great organizations survive … [Read more...]

Empathy & Compassion

“Compassion is empathy with action”. Brilliant advice from Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, as he spoke to the graduating class at Wharton. Empathy allows us to feel other's pain. Compassion enables us to do whatever we can to help alleviate that pain. … [Read more...]