The Ties that Bind

Why do we need special days, like Fathers' Day yesterday, to celebrate those that we love? Why do we need a tragedy, like the one in Orlando, to make us slow down? Why do we need a tough phone call, like a friend being diagnosed with cancer, to … [Read more...]

Words of Wisdom

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self. — Aldous Huxley … [Read more...]

Global Thinking

Maybe it is our isolated geographic location or our mind set, it is my sense that a large majority of Americans do not travel extensively, overseas. I envy the Europeans who can be in four different countries in a matter of a few hours. Global … [Read more...]

Words of Wisdom

The big picture doesn't just come from distance; it also comes from time. — Simon Sinek … [Read more...]