Silence is Spoken Here

"Silence is Spoken Here." This sign greeted me where-ever I turned at Gethsemani. Three days removed from my monastic experience, I have a greater appreciation for the power of silence, and of listening.  I think listening is the most important … [Read more...]

I Must…

Today is my last day at Gethsemani. Yesterday at the 5pm service the Abbot announced that Father Robert had passed away just a few minutes earlier. A deep sense of sorrow engulfed me. Why do I feel sad for the passing of a person I did not know? … [Read more...]


Silence. It is almost 2 days since I said a word to anyone or anyone has spoken to me. I am participating in a Retreat at the Abbey of Gethsemani, a Catholic Monastery in the Commonwealth of Kentucky. I am neither Christian, nor Catholic, but Brother … [Read more...]