Tears of Strength


My Dad imbibed in me a value system that has served me well over the years. I also inherited some of his personality traits — most that have served me well, and some that drive me nuts.

I have a tendency to take everything very personally, and choke up when I would much rather put up my guard. Is it wrong to care too much? To wear one’s passion on one’s sleeve? To not be able to put up an armor of fortitude? To get misty eyed when one’s emotions take over? Is shedding a tear a sign of weakness?

I would prefer to justify the emotional rush as tears of strength. I think we have enough mechanical rhetoric and clinical mind sets. Showing intense emotion may be perceived by some people, as being irrational, or demonstrating lack of control. To me, it just makes us human.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on 5oclockreflections.com.


  1. Heather Alonso says

    To be vulnerable is courageous.

  2. Well said Hemant da. I am also a softie. Tear up or choke up when I watch something filled with beauty, sorrow, patriotism, etc. There was a lovely advert done in India recently that tackled the issue of “boys don’t cry” mentality parents foist on their children.

  3. You’ve said it well. Emotion is a big part of what makes us human; I can’t imagine having a good friend who didn’t feel strongly about important things.