The Discomfort Zone

We can choose to bask in the banal, where the warmth of our familiar environment is reassuring and safe. Or we can seek that discomfort zone that allows us to see life from a new vantage point.

A young lady, with trepid resolve, ventures into unchartered academic waters that leave her with doubts about her capabilities. Does she have the ability to battle her demons of insecurity? Can she meet this challenge? I know she can. I know she will.

My son, as part of the PEACE Program at The University of Tampa, has chosen to spend close to two weeks of his vacation time to work with drug and alcohol addicts at a rehab farm in Denver. Enough food for sustenance, sleeping on the cold floor in sleeping bags, an unfamiliar environment — totally out of his comfort zone. Yet he will come out of this a better and a stronger individual.

Two examples of young adults exploring their discomfort zone. They will not only survive — they will excel. They always do.

Here is the million dollar question: What have you done recently to challenge yourself to find your discomfort zone? Time to step out and explore new beginnings. How else will you ever grow? And learn.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on