Over one hundred thousand steps, more wine than could possibly be good for the liver, eight companies, lots of exotic sights, bad dance moves, and thousands of photographs. Couple this with a unique insight into mega fashion, and special new friendships over the last 10 days, have created heart warming memories that will last a lifetime.
As I sit in a plane for my last leg that takes me home, and I reflect on the trip, I can’t help but count my blessings for having the opportunity to travel the world. I particularly count my blessings for those that eagerly await my arrival at my final destination.
There is something about getting home and sleeping in my own bed that is very comforting, even though I know I will have to fight for leg room with the dogs. While there is joy in the exotic, there is a warm satisfaction in the familiar.
Travel burns a fire in my belly to see the world; coming home engulfs me in the love and life I have always wanted. Almost there….almost home.