Finally! A concept and a service I love. My first time using Uber was here, in Amsterdam. The technology, to the user, is flawless and creative. The cars are pristine luxury cars and the drivers are immaculately dressed, and professional. And it is a tad cheaper than a cab. Finally, a company that got it right!
An innovative business model, with very low capital investment, and an uncanny ability to create value for the user makes Uber unique. They have had their problems. A young lady in India was raped by an Uber driver. A nightmare in the making. When a company gives up too much control, bad things can happen.
However, my experience with Uber in the Netherlands has been exceptional.
Not quite a diehard fan yet. Only time will tell if the pattern will hold. The hope is that the standard stays the same throughout my trip. Please don’t mess this up.
I have my fingers crossed.