I had lunch today with a former student, and now banker, who sat in my classes twenty three years ago. I also got an email from a young lady who reached out to me after twenty five years. Now these good people are family men and women with grown up children, and productive lives. They validate the reason why I found my passion in teaching.
As we celebrate the graduation of another six hundred odd students, I can’t help but think back to the time that has flown by quickly. In May, I will celebrate thirty years at UT. Sometimes I lose track of time gone by — maybe because, even as I get older, the students seem to stay young and full of promise. And I have more minds to educate, and lives to touch.
Several times we’ve discussed your unique position to teach, coach and mentor students when they may be malleable. The opportunity to nudge them in a direction that establishes an open minded philosphy their entire life.
A powerful and highly responsible position to our society.