Wild man Tripp came for his annual visit and is now all grown up. Almost two years old, he spent most of his time amusing me with his antics. He bounced for most of the time, and threw around his blue shades, all over my office.
He found lollipops and chocolates, I never knew I had, and made a sloppy, sticky, blue mess — yucky tongue, face and hands. Got to love being a kid with not a worry in the world.
At one point he found himself surrounded by strangers — no mom, as she looked for tissue to clean him up. He rubbed his eyes and face to show his discomfort with the unfamiliar, and had a quick cry to demonstrate his entire repertoire. Two minutes later he was back to bouncing like a pogo stick, without a care in the world.
I love babies and young people with their own little worlds. Tripp is a happy baby. And a cute little guy who gets cuter by the day. Why can’t we all live life with this level of abandon? Can’t wait for Tripp 3.0.