What Makes You Happy?


When was the last time you sat back and reflected on what truly makes you happy? We get caught up in the demands of everyday living — work, kids, school, making money, paying bills, idle chatter, office politics, and on and on and on.

Stop. Breathe. Focus for a tad on what truly fills your heart with joy and puts a smile on your face. It will rarely be ‘things’, that manifest themselves into total contentment. What resonates in our psyche, are the shared experiences with those closest to us; those that create indelible memories with those that we love.

And yet we chase the mirage, when the true joys of life are clearly within our grasp.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on 5oclockreflections.com.