When Your Vendors Make You Look Bad


Ultimately, the customer does business with you, not your vendors.

Problems arise when your vendor errors and delays cost your customers time and money. Companies that make promises to the customer and leave the fulfillment to a third party are no different than a trapeze artist without a safety net. The risk of failure is very high.

Do any of you remember e-toys — the online toy company that took millions in orders and left fulfillment to third party vendors? Holiday shoppers finally got their toys in March of the following year and the company is now peacefully resting in the graveyard of corporate wannabes.

It’s time to streamline the supply chain and take ownership of the key deliverables that drive customer satisfaction. Eliminate the weak links, change out vendors and pursue partners that share your vision. Initiate change quickly, before the customers leave looking for greener pastures.

About Hemant Rustogi

An award-winning teacher at The University of Tampa, an entrepreneur, a CEO and founding principal of Advantage Pointe Internationale, and blogger on 5oclockreflections.com.


  1. Keith Martin says

    Well said Doctor. Customer has little patience for that and once they leave,,,they rarely return.